“Put Your Best Fork Forward” is the theme for National Nutrition Month 2017 which serves as a reminder that each one of us holds the tool to make healthier food choices. Making small changes during National Nutrition Month® and over time, helps improve health now and into the future.
This month RHCC’s Working on Wellness Program for employees and their family members is focusing on taking steps to follow MyPlate standards. A replacement of the Food Pyramid, the new symbol is dedicated to making it easier to eat right. MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet using a familiar image – a place setting for a meal. MyPlate focuses on filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables and eating the right amount for you. Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate, in your cup, or in your bowl. Check out this resource from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to see how many calories you need each day.
Join us this month by challenging yourself to take steps toward getting your plate in shape! For more information on eating right and National Nutrition Month check out www.eatright.org!
Elisabeth Inman, RDN, LN
Wellness CoordinatorMyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet using a familiar image – a place setting for a meal. Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate, in your cup, or in your bowl.MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet using a familiar image – a place setting for a meal. Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate, in your cup, or in your bowl.MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet using a familiar image – a place setting for a meal. Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate, in your cup, or in your bowl.